У дома » Враца » Враца » Път на Ботевата чета

Път на Ботевата чета, Враца

Можете да намерите карта и списък на местата и услуги, предлагани в близост Път на Ботевата чета: Хотели, ресторанти, спортни съоръжения, учебни заведения, банкомати, супермаркети, бензиностанции и повече

В близост Кръстен сгради

  • - 1712 m
    Complex “Hashove” is situated at the southeast end of Vratsa – 200 meters past the intersection towards Mt. Vola and 3 kilometers from the city center – in a beautiful and picturesque part of the Balkan mountain near the path of Botev
  • - 1687 m
  • - 2028 m
    Path of Botev's detatchment

 OSM тагове

descriptionThe memorial alley that runs from Kozloduy Beach to the legendary Okolchitsa Peak was created in 1958 by a decree of the Council of Ministers. The original idea was to remind the generations of the difficult and heroic path of Botev's detachment in 1954
начин типпът
имеПът на Ботевата чета
name:enPath of Botev's detatchment
ЗабележкаIn 1954 an alley from the Kozloduy Beach was created, and then two rows of trees were formed. Afforestation is done primarily by means of the population of the region. In 1946, three enthusiastic researchers of the Botev case - Dimitar Osinin, Pavel Del
source_type_GPS43.182192 23.591599